Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thesis Exploration 3: Poetry (Tiimo)

My hours were limited this week because of bills. Rather than spending these limited number of hours on bs'ing the rest of the website I had started in class, I made an honest attempt at writing a poem. I read some old futurist work as inspiration because I feel there are some strong similarities between post-post-modernism and the original modernism, which starts to suggest a cycle in the way art, design, and pop culture reinvents itself. My poem is about time, irrelevance of the past, and neo-futurism.

If tomorrow is today, then what is yesterday?

A neglected elder relative,
alone in a numbered room.
Wise, but silent like a falling tree.
Not a whisper. Not a wimper.
As tomorrow became tomorrow's tomorrow.

A yoctosecond passes.
Irrelevance is redefined.

A yoctosecond passes.
Another relative. Another room.

Now to I.

Eternal rest is on the horizon,
but possibilities are more interesting.
Thinking is easy.
Possibility limited by it's limitlessness.

What is a tombstone?
I don't know.

I also laid it out like the futurists once did:

And then I texted it to everyone in the class using a mass texting service to allude to the digital revolution and the new way of communicating we've all embraced.

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