Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Before & After Posters

BRIEF: Create a poster addressing the theme of Before & After within 45 minutes. Return for short critique and swap posters with classmate. Create a second poster commenting on your new subject matter.

Roger Tsao
"Karate Master Bedroom"

Response to Amanda Thomas' "hot mess"

Don Okuda
"Save Me From Myself"

Response to Stephanie's Before & After

Stephanie Guerra "Papyrus" response to Jacob's b4 & after

Jacob Bain

Jacob's Reaction to Gianna's Poster

"Hot Mess"

Gianna Quinci

Lance Freitag
AMANDA THOMAS- Reaction to Lance's Poster

James Gamboa

Travis Read-Davidson

Silk-Screened Secrets

BRIEF: Silk Screen a secret onto a T-shirt.

Roger Tsao

Don Okuda

William Cheng

Stephanie Guerra

Jacob Bain

Gianna Quinci

James Gamboa


The Great Debate: Greatest Song Ever

Gianna Quinci

Sk8r Boi by Avril Levigne is the best song ever because it teaches us how to conserve letters when typing and not to judge people by their clothing.
By: William Cheng

Video By Stephanie Guerra

This is the greatest song ever, because it is about the greatest subject ever: LOVE.

Greatest Song Ever: Pussy, Money, Weed by Lil' Wayne

Don Okuda: "Ventolin" by Aphex Twin

Click Here to see my presentation/argument (PDF)

Click Here to listen to the song (Don't forget to listen in HQ!)


: the following assignment was to create a zine that communicated our hate for any person.

Don Okuda
I hate the Jonas Brothers

Let me count the ways to hate Jon & Kate + Eight
The Anti-Jon & Kate zine by Stephanie Guerra

Jacob Bain
I hate Dick Cheney

Homegirl is Delusional:
The Tale of a Cowgirl With Stars in Her Eyes
The Anti- Jessica Simpson Zine by Amanda Thomas

James Gamboa:
I choose to depict my hate for Nicolas Putavinski, "Project Runway" contestant, season 6. The title of my "zine" was Nicolas Putavinski Es No Bueno.
- James Gamboa

Travis Read-Davidson:
Informercials are annoying, I hate them. Vince Offer does informercials, therefore I hate him.